Implementation Strategy: What portion of my team or organization needs Produce8 to see benefits?

What is the proportion of my org needs to adopt Produce8 to provide enough data and trends for meaningful insights?


While full adoption of Produce8 provides the most comprehensive data and insights, partial or staged rollouts can still deliver significant value. The key is to strategically target the deployment based on the organization's goals, budget, and specific needs. Here’s how to approach a partial rollout effectively:

1. Value to Individuals – Effective with Any Number of Licenses

Even a small group of users can benefit from Produce8, providing insights into personal productivity.

  • Personal Work Patterns: Individuals using Produce8 can optimize their work habits, leading to personal productivity gains.
  • Organizational Impact: Happier, more productive employees can positively influence overall team dynamics and performance. Aggregated data from these users can still highlight valuable trends.
  • Selecting Participants: Choose individuals with a growth mindset who are open to using data-driven insights to improve their workday. Offering these users an "exclusive opportunity" to try Produce8 can help build early advocates within the organization.
Suggested Approach: Introduce a "Great Workdays Challenge for Individuals", allowing a select group to explore and benefit from Produce8.

2. Value to Teams – Tailored to Team Size

Deploying Produce8 to specific teams or functions can yield targeted insights and improvements.

  • Team-Focused Benefits: Implementing Produce8 within one or more teams can help identify specific productivity challenges and opportunities unique to those groups.
  • Phased Expansion: This approach allows for a focused rollout that can be expanded to other teams based on success and feedback.

Suggested Approach: Start a "Great Workdays Challenge for Teams" to focus on team-level productivity and well-being.

3. Value to the Organization – Complete Rollout vs Representative Samples

The insights that Produce8 provides are more comprehensive and accurate when everyone in your organization is contributing to the aggregated data.  Not to mention that cumulative gains are highest when the entire organization is engaged and active in using insights to have healthier and more productive workdays.

While complete adoption is always something to aspire to, 100% adoption isn't required for significant value to the organization.  Staged rollouts, or deploying to a cross-section of users across various roles and functions also provides significant benefit:

  • Representative Sampling: Deploy Produce8 to a significant portion of the organization to capture a representative sample of work patterns, providing insights into overall business operations.
  • Encouraging Participation: Position this as an "exclusive offer" to create interest and identify employees eager to participate in this productivity initiative.
  • Applicability by Organization Size: This strategy is most effective for larger organizations. Smaller companies may need a higher percentage of participation to gain meaningful insights.

Guidelines for Minimum Participation:

  • Small Companies:  When the organization does not have much redundancy in specific roles, full adoption is necessary to get insight into all functions.
  • Medium Companies: Around 30-50% of a 50-person organization is sufficient for representative insights, provided the sample includes membership of all functions & business areas.
  • Larger Companies: For large & enterprise organizations, a smaller percentage can provide a good representative sample, but a good rule of thumb is around 20%.

Suggested Approach: Enroll your company in a "Great Workdays Challenge for Organziations" to engage and align around having better, more productive workdays.

Staged Rollouts

While full adoption of Produce8 is recommended for the most comprehensive insights, starting with a partial rollout can still provide valuable data and drive meaningful improvements. Whether focusing on individual users, specific teams, or a representative sample across the organization, a strategic deployment of Produce8 can highlight key productivity trends and serve as a foundation for broader adoption. This phased approach allows companies to demonstrate Produce8’s value, making it easier to build a case for expanding its use over time.