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Join The Produce8 Customer Community

Everything you need to know to get started with our customer community on Slack and make the most of your experience.

Our Slack community is a great place for you to connect with other customers, get fast support, submit feedback, and stay on top of product announcements.

Getting Started

All you need to do to start start using our Slack community is request access below or via this link!  Once you do, our team will add you in short order. Just watch for updates in your email.

Once you're in the community, take some time to explore the various channels and topics that are available. Start by introducing yourself in the #general channel and telling us a bit about your experience with Produce8.

Finally, be sure to set your notification preferences so that you receive updates only when you want to. You can customize your notifications by clicking on the bell icon next to your name in the top right corner of the screen.

Community Features

Get Support

Our  Slack community is a great place to get get help. Simply post your question or report an issue in the #support channel, and we'll be happy to assist you.

When posting your question, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the problem you're experiencing. This will help us to understand the issue and provide you with a more accurate solution.

Provide Feedback

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with us in the #product_feedback channel. 

When providing feedback, be as specific as possible about what you like and dislike about our product. This will help us to better understand your needs and make improvements that benefit all of our customers.

Get Product Announcements

Additionally, be sure to check out the #p8-announcements channel, where we'll keep you up-to-date on the latest changes and updates to Produce8. This is a great place to learn about new features and improvements.

Connect With Other Produce8 Users

Start by introducing yourself in the #introductions channel and letting others know what you do and why you're here.

In the #community-chat channel, you can share your own insights and learn from others about how to get the most out of our product.  Share tips and tricks like how you've rolled out Produce8 to your team, how you've customized Workspaces to uncover specific insights, how your team has used Produce8 data and metrics to improve their work environment, how you use our reporting tools to track your progress in reducing distraction and increasing focus, and more.