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Roles & Permissions within Produce8

This guide will help you understand and assign roles and permissions within Produce8. Properly configuring these permissions is crucial to ensuring effective management of the platform.

Table of Contents 

1. Global User Permissions

2. Shared Workspace User Permissions

3. Assigning Permissions

Global User Permissions

Produce8 accounts have four levels of permissions: User, Report User, Admin, and Owner. Each role has different access and capabilities within the Produce8 Web App.

Roles & Permissions of Users within the Produce8 Web App

  User Report User Admin Owner
Add Account-level Integration    
Delete account      
View Existing Apps and Subscriptions
Invite Account User    
View All Teams    
Deactivate Other Users    
Deactivate Own User Account
View Inactive/Pending Users in Account    
Delete Pending Account    
Promote/Demote Admin    
Create, Promote & Delete Owner      
(Must be one at all time)
View Account Metrics  
View Team Data (without Team Workspace)        


Shared Workspace User Permissions

Within each Shared Workspace, team members can be assigned different levels of permissions. It’s important to assign the correct permissions to ensure efficient management of the workspace.

Roles & Permissions within a Shared Workspace

  Team Member Team Lead Team Owner
Can assign team owner?    
Can invite team member?  
Can invite team member to account?  
Can delete team owner?    
(One owner must exist at all times)
Can promote team member to owner?    
Can demote owner to lead?    
Can promote team member to lead?  
Can view team?
Can view team data?
Can delete team?    
Can create subscriptions & team subscriptions?  
Can leave team?

Assigning Permissions

When setting up your team in Produce8, ensure that each team member is assigned the appropriate permissions. 

Assign a "Lead" or "Owner" for each workspace to manage and oversee the Shared Workspace. This role should be filled by someone who can validate workforce planning assumptions, assess the efficacy of tools, workflows, and collective work habits, and manage the workspace.

By properly configuring roles and permissions within Produce8, you can maximize the platform's potential and ensure efficient and secure management of your workspaces.