A guide to your Personal Workspace

How to how to set and use your private Timeline in your Personal Worksapce.

  1. What is a Personal Workspace?
  2. Navigating your Personal Workspace
  3. How to use your Personal Workspace
  4. Configuring your Personal Workspace

What is a Personal Workspace

Your Personal Workspace allows you to curate your own set of App subscriptions in private so that you can visualize, understand, and optimize your own working patterns. Your Personal Workspace is accessible, visible, and customizable by you alone.

Click here for more info about the differences between a Personal and Shared Workspaces.

Navigating your Personal Workspace

Your Personal Workspace cannot be accessed or configured by anyone else in your organization's Produce8 account. You can access your Personal Workspace by clicking the icon with the lock above it in your Home Screen.

Your Workspace will look like this:

Personal Workspace
Your Personal Workspace has the following features & components:

  • Timeline: A visual representation of your working patterns over the timeframe you define (hours, days, or weeks). Your Timeline has three swim-lanes: Views, Calls, and Calendar.
    • Views: The top lane illustrates your typical activities. Look for patterns that represent specific workflows, distractions, focus time, and healthy breaks & offline activities.
    • Calls: Directly below this swim-lane, visually represents your time spent in Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams calls, huddles, and meetings.
    • Calendar: The bottom lane displays both past and planned calendar entries, facilitating comparison between scheduled events and actually occurrences. 

When Views and Calls overlap, it indicates that the individual is interacting with other tools while on a call. This overlap could signify various scenarios such as screen sharing and presenting, or multitasking with other work tools during a meeting.

The swim-lanes help you contextualize your workday activities, enabling you to identify focused sessions, brief distractions, or multitasking instances.

  • Metrics: Some calculated totals that can help you understand how you spend your time. See which Apps you use most, and how much (frequency and duration) you interact with each each one over a specific timeframe.
  • Activities: A list of your activities in each App as it happens.
  • Followed Apps: Manage all of data sources (the Apps that you've chosen to follow) for your Personal Workspace.
  • Filter: Easily hone in on specific apps and workflows by clicking on the app names next to the Timeline. 

How to use your Personal Workspace

You can use your Personal Workspace anyway you like to visualize your workday, understand how you interact with your tech stack, and to uncover patterns of focus, interruption, and distraction.  

Produce8 exists to help individuals and teams to create space to do great work. With this in mind, use your Personal Workspace to gain a deep understand of what drives your success what might hold you back. Does the evidence (the data you see reflected in your Timeline) match how you think you work? 

Some of the questions you can ask are: 

  • What should my work day ideally look like, and how does it compare to reality?
  • What does my best work look like and how can I do more of it?
  • What do my worst days look like and how can I do less of that?
  • Are excessive calls or meetings detracting from my productivity?
  • Am I fully engaged during calls, or am I multitasking in other apps?
  • What adjustments can I make to optimize my work habits and enhance productivity and focus?

Once you can answer some of these questions, you can make adjustments to your workflow or suggest changes for your team. Use your Personal Workspace to track the impact of these changes and refine your approach over time.

How to configure your Personal Workspace

You may have been prompted to follow some Apps and add them to your Personal Workspace when you first joined your team's Produce8 account. But if you didn't, not to worry, it's easy to manage your Personal Workspace's data sources by adding, removing, or updating the Apps that you follow.

It is recommended to pick your most commonly most used work tools to curate your Personal Workspace. For example, your email, meeting platform, messaging platform & system of record for task or project management. 

You can also add any apps that you're interested in understanding how you use. Your Personal Workspace is visible only to you so you can use this space to personalize how you view your working day.

Follow an existing data source

You should start by reviewing the Apps that already exist in your account. Your account Owner(s)/Admin(s) may have already added some of your team's most commonly used tools and all you need to do is connect to them:

  1. Within your Personal Workspace, click Actions.
  2. Click Follow more Apps! and find the App you want to connect to.
  3. Click ">"next to the item in the list to see all of the available Subscriptions available for that App.
  4. Check the box(es) for the subscription(s) that you want to connect to.
  5. Click Follow selected to complete the process, then Done on the "Finished!" page to exit the flow.

Create a new data source

If you don't see the App that you want to follow in Produce8, then you can create a new one by clicking Create new app and then following the prompts to connect a new data source.   

For more detailed instructions, see Connecting to your Work Apps

Removing data sources

You can remove data sources from your Personal Workspace if you no longer want to see their activity. For example, your team may no longer use a certain tool or you are not interested in the data showing up in your personal workspace. To do this, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Go to your Personal Workspace within the Produce8 Web App.

2. Select Followed Apps.

3. You will be presented with a list of all current Apps. Next to each of them you can open the drop down by selecting the ellipsis (...) where you can select Manage Data Sources or Stop Following

4. To remove an App's activity, select Stop Following

5. You can confirm you wish to stop following activities from this app by selecting Yes - Stop Following.

6. Done! You will no longer see activity from the selected Apps in your feed.