Your Personal Insights Home Page

Empowering you to gain control of your work patterns.

Each time you sign in to Produce8 you're greeted by your own private Personal Insights Home Page – a personalized hub of information designed to help you understand your work habits, identify problems, make changes, and recover time back. 



Here's what you can expect to find on your Personal Insights Home Page:

  1. Morning Journal: Contribute to building a clearer picture of the overall atmosphere within the company by sharing your sentiments about your workday.
  2. Time Breakdown: Gain insights into how your workday was divided across four key metrics.
  3. Personal Insights: Dive deeper into understanding your workday with these insights.
  4. Goals: Set targets for App Usage, Personal Insights, and specific time-related objectives to help you stay on track.
  5. Top Apps SummaryUnderstand where you're spending the majority of your time by reviewing a summary of your app usage.
  6. Personal TimelineVisualize how you navigate through your workday with an easy  graphic.
  7. Account Summary Dashboard: For Owners, Admins, and Report Users, access aggregated insights into the organization while ensuring individual privacy is maintained to avoid employee monitoring.

In order to make use of these insights, you need to ensure that you've connected your Produce8 account to the apps that you use for work

In order for the Personal Insights and Top Apps report to generate, you need to have accumulated at least 30 mins of activity in connected work apps for that day.

Beyond that, the better your data sources, the more accurate the insights we can provide.  That is, they'll be most accurate when you've connected to most or all of the applications that you use for work.


Morning Journal

Sentiment helps organizations keep a pulse on how employees are feeling about their workdays in real-time. 

  • Morning Journal section will expand by default on your homepage until you have accumulated at least 30 mins of activity in connected work apps for that day.  
  • You can also access this section directly from your homepage by clicking on Morning Journal .
  • If you have mobile notifications turned on you'll receive a notification at 9am local time to share your perspective report for the upcoming day. 
  • Your responses are completely private and only visible to you. You can even add personal notes to your sentiments for your own reference.

Morning Journal

Time Breakdown

Your Time Breakdown provides a summary of how your day was spent, allowing you to see patterns, and see trends in how you work. 

Your Time Breakdown
These insights take all of the activity data from the applications that you follow and compile them into 4 key metrics: Digital Working Hours, Time In Apps, Time In Calls, and Time In Meetings. There's no ideal "score" for these insights; we leave it to you to decide what the optimum values are for your role and working style. 

For a detailed look at how these Insights are calculated, click here.

By default, when you visit this page, you'll see the insights for the current day.  You can use the Date Picker to navigate to past dates and toggle between daily and weekly metrics.

Homepage Date Picker
In addition, click on any score to unlock a more detailed Time Series and view. Explore daily and weekly trends and to look at the trends for a specific day of the week (ie. Mondays). This information enables you visualize patterns and how they're changing over time. 

Time Breakdown Insight

Personal Insights

Your Personal Insights provides a high-level summary of your work patterns, making it easy to spot trends and comparisons. Your Daily Insights

These insights distill activity data from the applications you follow into two key metrics: Focus Score and Digital Intensity. You can use these metrics to understand your productivity levels and make adjustments to your workflow.

For a detailed look at how these Insights are calculated, click here.

By default, you'll see insights for the current day, but you can use the Date Picker to explore past dates and toggle between daily and weekly metrics. 
Homepage Date Picker

Click on any score to unlock a more detailed Time Series view, allowing you to analyze trends over time and identify patterns in your work habits.


Personal Goals (beta) is available for all Produce8 customers for a limited time;  however, it will soon become a feature of Produce8's PRO plan.

Click here to see all the other benefits of Produce8 PRO.

Personal Goals help you take charge of your workday and create a productive & healthy routine. Whether you aim to minimize distractions, improve digital wellbeing, or elevate your work output, Personal Goals are your tool for success. 

The Produce8 Homepage serves as a "snapshot" of your goal metrics. When you first navigate to this page, you'll find today's value, the percentage difference from your goal, and the goal value. 

From here, you can use the Date Picker to get a snapshot of your work patterns, Insights, and Goals and toggle between Daily and Weekly Views.

For more information on Goals please see here.

Your Goals

Top Apps

Ever wondered which apps occupy most of your work hours? The Top Apps feature displays the top five applications you use daily, along with the time of your usage. 

You probably already have an idea of which applications represent your best or more impactful work.  Use this report to understand the difference between how much time you'd like to spend in your top tools vs. how much you actually do. This is a key step towards identifying inefficient workflows & systems, and distractions that may be holding you back from your most important work.

Your Top Viewed Apps

Click on any of the Top Apps to delve into the Time Series and Intensity Heatmap view so you can analyze daily and weekly trends and your average use of the app in question across different days respectively. This data-driven approach empowers you to manage your app usage effectively so that your days go the way you want.

If Zoom, Slack, or Microsoft Teams is one of your Top Apps, you can view the time you spent in Calls by selecting the Calls tab. You can switch between Time in Calls, Call Interactions, and Avg Call Duration. 

Top Apps Time In Calls - Zoom

If Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook is one of your Top Apps, you can view the time spent in meetings by select the Calendar Events tab. 

The graphs will how sum total of Focus Time, Internal Meetings, and External Meetings. 

You can switch between Total Meeting Duration, Total Meetings, and Average Meeting Duration

Calendar Events

You can filter by meeting type by selecting Focus Time, Internal Meetings, or External Meetings.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 2.05.08 PM

Personal Timeline

Your Timeline visually encapsulates your entire work journey, offering a comprehensive overview of all of the activity from the work applications that you follow over a specific time period. It consists of three swim-lanes: Views, Calls, and Calendar.

The top swim-lane displays your Views, illustrating your typical activities. Look for patterns that represent specific workflows, distractions, focus time, and healthy breaks & offline activities.

Directly below is the Calls swim-lane, providing a visual representation of your time spent in Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams calls, huddles, and meetings.

The bottom swim-lane is the Calendar, which displays both past and planned calendar entries, allowing comparison between scheduled events and actual occurrences. For instance, examining a scheduled internal meeting on Zoom reveals if you were on the call for longer or shorter than expected.

When Views and Calls overlap, it indicates that you are interacting with other tools while on a call. This overlap could signify various scenarios such as screen sharing and presenting, or multitasking with other work tools during a meeting.

These swim-lanes help contextualize your calls within your overall workday and enable you to distinguish between focused sessions, brief distractions, or multitasking scenarios.

Use the Date Picker and Zoom to visualize any time period between one hour and one week on your Timeline. You can also use the Filter, to delve into how you use one or more specific apps to gain a clearer understanding of their impact on your workflow. 

Personal timeline

Account Summary Dashboard

Account Owners, Admins, and Report Users can select the Account Summary tab on your homepage to explore insights into your organization. This data will be aggregated and anonymized, protecting individual privacy. 

Account Summary Tab

The following data will be available in the Account Summary Dashboard:

  • Total Time in Meetings: Total time in internal and external meetings across the organization.
  • Total Time in Calls: Total time in calls in Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams across the organization.
  • Average Sentiment: Average sentiment score across all users in the organization.
  • Average Working Hours: Average working hours across all users in the organization. 
  • Top Apps: Lists users, views, changes, and costs for selected apps.

Account Summary

For a detailed look into these insights, click here.