A guide to your team's Shared Workspace

Your guide to creating a Shared Workspace for your team, inviting your colleagues, and realizing the benefits of working out loud. A Shared Workspace is an area within Produce8 where you can see all of your team's activities combined.

Use Shared Workspaces to create alignment and visibility within your organization. Come together to create collective Goals and Challenges to optimize efforts collectively.

When implementing Produce8, you have the flexibility to set up Shared Workspaces either before or after onboarding individual users. However, starting with Personal Workspaces allows individuals to familiarize themselves with the platform's features and benefits, thereby smoothing the transition to Shared Workspaces. This approach ensures that team members are comfortable and confident in using Produce8, leading to more effective collaboration and optimization when they move to Shared Workspaces. 

Table of Contents

  1. Goals for Your Shared Workspace
  2. Structuring Your Shared Workspace
  3. Create a Shared Workspace
  4. Add Subscriptions to Your Shared Workspace
  5. Invite Your Team to Your Shared Workspace
  6. How to Share Data with Your Team within Your Shared Workspace

Goals for Your Shared Workspace

Introduce the Shared Workspace with a specific goal, such as analyzing collaboration distractions (meetings, messaging apps, email, etc.). For example, assess the number of interactions versus time spent in an application. Look at interactions that may be high due to being habitual rather than fewer and more intentional interactions.

Structuring Your Shared Workspaces in Produce8

Proper structuring of Shared Workspaces in Produce8 is essential for aligning with your team’s organization and workflows. This guide will help you plan and structure your shared workspaces effectively.

Before creating workspaces, consider how to structure them to best reflect your team's needs. Here are some ways to group your workspaces:

  • By Location: Create separate workspaces for different office locations or remote teams.
  • By Role: Group workspaces based on specific roles within the organization, such as sales, marketing, or customer support.
  • By Department: Organize workspaces according to departments, such as HR, finance, or marketing.
  • By Level: Structure workspaces by employee levels, such as managers, team leads, and individual contributors.

You can choose any structure that best reflects your team’s organization and workflow.

Multiple Workspaces

Users can be added to multiple workspaces. This allows for flexibility and ensures that employees who work across different teams or projects can be included in all relevant workspaces.

Assigning Permissions for Each Member in Produce8

There are different roles and permissions for users in Produce8 as well as permissions for Shared Workspaces. It is important to ensure that all team members have the correct level of permissions to effectively manage the Produce8 account and the workspace.

For more detailed instructions on permissions and roles, please see Roles & Permissions within Produce8.

Assigning Workspace Leads or Owners

Each workspace should have a "Lead" or "Owner" to manage and oversee the Shared Workspace. This role should be assigned to someone who can validate workforce planning assumptions and assess the efficacy of their tools, workflows, and collective work habits.

Create a Shared Workspace 

Understand how your team work better by creating a Shared Workspace within Produce8.


  1. Log in to your Produce8 web app account.
  2. Within the Produce8 homepage, click Create Workspace.
  3. Input your Team Name (for example: Service Team) and select a Team Icon from the dropdown. You will then be asked to invite your team, you can skip this step for now (please see step 3 for more details).
  4. You have now set up your Shared Workspace! this will be visible in the Produce8 Web App home screen next to your Personal Workspace.

    Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 11.39.48 AM

Add Subscriptions to your Shared Workspace

Ensure that all the relevant Subscriptions are available to view within your Shared Workspace before inviting your team.

If you have not already added all your relevant App Subscriptions (eg. Teams, Slack, GMail, Outlook) please follow this link to set these up on your personal profile before adding them to your Team Workspace.

  1. Log in to your Produce 8 web app account.
  2. Click on your newly created Shared Workspace.
  3. Within the Shared Workspace, click the three dots next to Actions.
  4. This will bring up a list of actions. Click on Follow more Apps!
  5. You will then see the below screen where you can select the Apps from the Catalog. Select the relevant Apps for your team and then click Follow selected.

App Catalog6. The Apps you have added will then appear in the Activities tab of your Shared Workspace. These Apps activity will now be available within your Shared Workspace!

Create a New Data Source

If you don't see the App that you want to follow in Produce8, then you can create a new one following steps 1-4 and then clicking Create new app and then following the prompts to connect a new data source.   

For more detailed instructions, see Connecting to your Work Apps

Invite Your Team to Your Shared Workspace

The next stage of inviting team members should be done after liaising with them on how the platform will be used & once the Shared Workspace and Subscriptions are all successfully set up.

  1. Click on the Shared Workspace within the Produce8 home page.
  2. Click Add Workspace Member on the right hand side.
  3. You will now invite your team members. There are 2 ways to do this: 
    1. The default will be 'Invite via Email'. If your team member has already created a Produce8 account, their name will appear in a drop down. 

      If they do not have a Produce8 account, you can invite a new contact by entering their email. 

    2. The second option is to 'Invite O365 contacts'. Here you can search your Office365 contacts by name and invite them to join your Team Workspace.

      If they do not have a Produce8 account, you can invite a new contact by entering their email. 

      With either option you may add a personal message for the recipient if you wish.

  4. Once you have entered their email, you must also select a level of permissions. The default will be Member, but you can also choose between Lead & Owner. For more details please visit this link.
  5. Click Send Invitations.
  6. When you then send the invitations, your team member will receive an email that looks like the below:
    Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 12.18.47 PM
  7. Your team member must then click Go see the invitation. They can then accept your invitation and become a part of your Shared Workspace!

If any members of your team don't see the invitational email, then they should check the Spam folder. If it's still not there, then you may need to add the produce8.com domain to a whitelist in their email settings.


How to Share Data with Your Team in Your Shared Workspace

Remember: In order for Produce8's Web Extension to accurately display how you are working, you will need to remain on the Chrome/Edge profile where the Produce8 Web Extension is installed. The browser should also not be in Incognito mode.

In order to complete the setup of your Shared Workspace, you will need to allow the Apps that you have Subscribed to be set up to share their data. Follow the steps below to ensure this is done correctly:


  1. Once a team has been created, and the App Subscriptions have been configured (see steps 1 & 2), the Shared Workspace can be viewed from your home screen. See the example below.
    Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 11.39.48 AM
  2. Click on the Shared Workspace you want to allow data sharing in.
  3. Once in the Team Workspace, click Followed Apps.
  4. You will now have 2 options:
    1. If you wish to approve all Apps that have been set up for the team to share data, you can view these apps and then click Approve All.
    2. If you wish to only approve select Apps, you can approve the Apps one by one from the available list of Apps.
  5. After you have selected the Apps to approve, these will become visible on the Shared Workspace timeline.

It can take up to 5 mins for your web activities to appear in the Activity Stream and Timeline in the Produce8 web app. We strongly recommend that you review the data in Produce8 in order to confirm that your activity is showing up as expected. If it's not, please reach out to us for support.